Best YouTube Marketing Agency: Top 5 Choices for 2024

Home to around two billion monthly active users and the second-largest search engine, YouTube is one of the most popular sites on the internet and an incredible place to interact with your target audience and build brand awareness.

Unfortunately, not every company has the time or the knowledge to ace their YouTube marketing campaigns (which include video production and video optimization). Hiring a YouTube marketing agency is the ultimate tool for taking your video marketing efforts to the next level.

Let’s dive into how you can choose the best marketing agency for your company.

Yaniv Masjedi
CMO, Nextiva

Their expertise has helped Nextiva grow its brand and overall business

Elevate YouTube Presence

How to Choose a YouTube Marketing Agency

Choosing a YouTube agency isn’t always easy — particularly when many brands exist. These steps will help you to make the right choice.

Step 1: Decide What You Need from a Marketing Agency

The first step for most companies will be figuring out exactly what you need from your video specialist team. Do you need someone to help with scheduling and monitoring your YouTube videos? Or are you looking for a team to assist you with something more specific, like animating content?

List the most essential skills you need from a marketing agency and what you can handle in-house. For instance, you may be able to record your videos yourself, but you need a professional to add title screens, thumbnails and SEO before you publish your content online.

Step 2: Prioritize a Bespoke Service

Your ideal marketing agency should be committed to learning as much as possible about your company and building a bespoke solution just for you.

In some cases, a great marketing agency may even be able to help you define who your target audience is, build user personas and use what you learn to reach the right leads. At the very least, a good advertising company should know how to use YouTube’s targeting features on your behalf to ensure that you’re getting the most from your ad placement.

Step 3: Look at the Company’s Case Studies and Previous Clients

Most companies allow case studies and testimonials to do most of their work when demonstrating their capabilities. If your chosen agency has no reviews or testimonials, this could be a red flag or a sign that they’re new to the industry.

SG Case Studies2

When checking case studies, look for examples of the agency solving specific problems for other brands and creating the campaigns you’re interested in for your organization.

Step 4: Ask About the Tools They Use

YouTube marketing agencies use many tools to achieve specific results for their customers. The right tools can make a significant difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of a marketing campaign. They can help in automating repetitive tasks, provide in-depth analytics and even offer creative solutions for content creation.

That’s why asking which tools an agency uses can give you a glimpse into how advanced and capable they are. These are some of the most common types of tools you should expect an agency to use:

  • Video Editing Software: Tools like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro are essential for creating high-quality video content.
  • SEO and Keyword Research Tools: Platforms like TubeBuddy and vidIQ help in optimizing video titles, descriptions and tags.
  • Analytics and Reporting Tools: Google Analytics and YouTube Analytics are crucial for tracking video performance. Some agencies might also use specialized software like Socialbakers to get more detailed insights.
  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Tools like Hootsuite and Buffer allow agencies to schedule video posts in advance and manage multiple social media accounts from a single dashboard.
  • Audience Engagement Tools: Software like Yotpo and Trustpilot can be used to collect and display user reviews and testimonials.

Step 5: Ensure Excellent Communication

The agency you choose to work with needs to communicate regularly and smoothly with your brand, explaining complex topics in a way you can understand.

Look into how frequently your agency will update you with important insights into your campaigns and how well they do. Find out how responsive your agency will likely be if something goes wrong with an ad and you need their help fixing it.

Top 5 YouTube Marketing Agencies

Demand for YouTube content grows daily as younger generations replace their television sets with online streaming. What’s more, around 70% of people buy a product after seeing it on YouTube.

As the efficacy of video marketing continues to become apparent, the number of agencies offering YouTube marketing services is rapidly increasing. This can make it extremely difficult to separate the best companies from the rest.

To help you make the right choice, we’ve compiled a list of high-performing YouTube marketing experts with a history of delivering excellent service to top brands. We chose these agencies based on their unique skills and attention to detail.

1) Single Grain

  • Specializes In: Inbound marketing, digital marketing, social media marketing and YouTube ads
  • Top Clients: Amazon, Uber, Salesforce, Airbnb
  • Pricing: Custom based on your requirements
Single Grain - YouTube Marketing Agency

We wouldn’t include ourselves in this list unless we were fully confident in our ability to help your business! Single Grain is a comprehensive digital marketing agency with tons of services to offer all kinds of companies, ranging from startups to enterprises.

Unlike other agencies, Single Grain has a comprehensive team of dedicated marketing professionals with knowledge of building businesses from scratch. Our team members are experts in conversion rate optimization and quality lead generation on many platforms. Most importantly, our specialists will ensure you get the best return on investment from your YouTube ad campaigns without wasting your ad spend.

Our tagline is “We Drive Persistent Growth for Remarkable Companies,” and that’s exactly what we do. With top clients like Amazon and Airbnb, you can rest assured that we know what we’re doing.

We can offer YouTube advertising services as a standalone solution or build a combined inbound marketing package, including various cross-platform promotions: from Instagram advertising to influencer marketing, from overall search engine optimization to content marketing, from retargeting to Google Ads and more.

But no matter what services you need, you’ll be set up with a specialist, not an account manager. For example, Single Grain founder Eric Siu has a robust YouTube channel with over 75K engaged subscribers and 1,200 videos on a wide variety of marketing topics.

You can also check out our post: 18 Engaging Types of Video Content that Viewers Love to Watch.

With every kind of advertising package from Single Grain, you can expect regular reports to demonstrate the performance of your campaigns. We’ll also work with your company to build a unique strategy from scratch, so you don’t have to stress about one-size-fits-all campaigns.

Elevate YouTube Presence


  • Specializes In: YouTube ads, Facebook ads, TikTok ads, Snapchat marketing and Instagram Shopping
  • Top Clients: SV Academy
  • Pricing: Hourly and per project

ROASBEAST is a social media marketing firm specializing in YouTube advertising and marketing. They also have services for Facebook, TikTok and Snapchat.

As an advertising firm, they have an analytics-driven approach to improve your return on ad spend (ROAS). They can also create a full-funnel strategy for social media marketing, ensuring you target leads at all stages.

Plus, ROASBEAST is popular for its excellent communication: They communicate with clients via Slack and hold weekly meetings to track the results of your campaign.

3) Thrive Internet Marketing Agency

  • Specializes In: Digital marketing, web design, social media marketing, reputation management and e-commerce marketing
  • Top Clients: The Farah Law Firm, Quick Roofing, Texas Educational Services, Inc.
  • Pricing: Per project

Thrive is a full-service digital marketing agency. Their solutions range from digital marketing and SEO to reputation management and services for e-commerce companies. They have 18 years of experience in managing digital marketing campaigns and consulting with businesses of all sizes.

Thrive offers different YouTube marketing and production services. The agency has offices in 25 cities around the U.S. so that different local businesses can take advantage of their video marketing services. Thrive also specializes in YouTube ads, technical SEO and CRO.

4) Sociallyin

  • Specializes In: Social media and influencer marketing
  • Top Clients: Samsung and Carnival Cruise Line
  • Pricing: Per project

Sociallyin is one of the top YouTube marketing agencies because it has a well-rounded approach to social media. This company offers numerous social media services such as management, strategy, content, paid, consulting and social selling.

Since YouTube is one of the most versatile platforms, this full-service approach can benefit every aspect of your campaign. Sociallyin can create a full YouTube strategy, produce video content, manage audience interactions and roll out the latest features. This strategy includes organic and paid tactics so that businesses can increase brand awareness and convert leads.

5) Audiencly

  • Specializes In: Social media marketing, influencer marketing and paid media
  • Top Clients: Beats by Dre, Disney, NordVPN, Wix, EA
  • Pricing: Per project

Audiencly is a social media and video marketing firm. They formed as a gaming marketing firm but branched out to add influencer marketing and paid media to their services.

They offer content creation, channel management and video ads. Audiencly uses a seven-step process to understand your brand and audience, using this information to create a strategy and set KPIs.

What makes Audiencly stand out is their close collaborations with influencers and creators. This links brands to more creators, widening their brand awareness. With this method, brands can partner with like-minded creators, ensuring that they increase conversions.

The Benefits of Hiring a YouTube Marketing Agency

People watch an average of one billion hours of YouTube videos daily. There’s endless content for your audience, but the key to success with YouTube is figuring out how to attract your customers and generate ongoing engagement.

Just some of the benefits you can expect from an expert YouTube agency include:


Owned by Google, the world’s biggest search engine, YouTube has one of the most complex algorithms in the content landscape.

Like Google, YouTube’s algorithms are constantly evolving to ensure that the website delivers the best possible results to its audience. An experienced video marketing agency knows how to optimize your videos for the latest rules and guidelines, giving you the best chance of ranking.

YouTube marketing agencies have experience in all video creation and promotion phases, including content creation, optimization, advertising and analytics.

Creative Support

Coming up with the right content to publish on YouTube and then creating videos that stand out can be difficult. Marketing agencies provide the creative support you need to make the right impression online. Some can even help you with shooting, editing and refining your videos.

Plus, agencies specializing in YouTube marketing understand YouTube’s innovations and can deliver creative content that coincides with your branding. The best agency offers creative concepts and fresh ideas to keep your video content engaging and exciting to your audience.

Improved ROI

Marketing agencies use the data collected from your YouTube marketing campaigns to determine the next step in your advertising strategy. You’re less likely to waste your budget on campaigns that don’t generate results.


With years of experience in helping companies stand out on YouTube, the right marketing agency can provide valuable advice to business owners. A good team will be able to tell you what kind of YouTube content you should be investing in, when you should be posting online, how often you should be creating new videos and more.

YouTube marketing agencies can also access the best analytics tools to offer insight into your audience demographics, video performance and viewer behavior. This data can help you make informed decisions and refine your strategy.

Specialist Skills and Software

YouTube marketing professionals have video creation, animation and editing skills that your internal marketing team may not have access to. These professionals usually also have high-quality software subscriptions that allow them to refine and optimize your videos.

Content Strategy

YouTube marketing agencies can create a results-driven video content strategy for your business. A skilled firm will create this campaign based on your goals and audience demographics. Your video marketing agency will also plan your videos around your goals, ensuring that you can deliver high-quality and engaging videos that convert.


There are many reasons why a YouTube strategy can benefit your entire SEO campaign. Not only does YouTube attract 2.5 billion global users, but since Google owns YouTube, your videos can also rank in both YouTube and Google search engines, offering double-whammy benefits when increasing your visibility.

The agency you choose can apply SEO tactics to rank your videos higher in SERPs. They can create an engaging thumbnail and write the best descriptions and titles using the right tags. These efforts will optimize your video for YouTube’s search algorithms and make your content more enticing to your target audience.

Increased Audience Engagement

Since many of YouTube’s users are on the platform daily, posting video content is an effective way to engage your audience. However, with around 2.93 million American small businesses using YouTube, it can be difficult to stand out.

Hiring a YouTube marketing agency is an easy way to solve this problem. They can engage your audience by offering content outside typical brand videos, such as Q&As and polls.

It can also be difficult to manage audience interactions on YouTube. Many YouTube marketing agencies offer brand reputation services, where they respond to feedback and manage comments.

Paid Advertising

YouTube mobile ads are 84% more likely to capture a viewer’s attention than TV advertising, making this an effective medium for a paid media campaign. Paid ad campaigns can accelerate your business growth and drive more traffic to your channel.

However, managing a YouTube ad campaign without prior experience can be tedious and can risk not making your ROI. Many YouTube marketing agencies can create a campaign for you with ROAS in mind. These agencies will also manage your campaign and track your results, ensuring that your ads reach a wider audience.

Keep Up With Trends

YouTube is always evolving; not only does YouTube update its search engine, but there are also always innovative ways to make videos. It’s integral for businesses to keep up with video trends to stay relevant and competitive.

Fortunately, a YouTube marketing agency already does this for you. Your marketing firm will keep you updated on any YouTube algorithm updates, trends and other best practices to remain relevant in the competitive video landscape.

Ready to Hire a YouTube Marketing Agency?

There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for choosing the right agency. The most important thing you can do is research your options carefully and find an advertising company that fully understands your needs and target audience. Remember:

  • Speak to the agency before you hire anyone.
  • Look for someone with a deep understanding of your target audience.
  • Consider investing in cross-channel campaigns to boost your chances of success.

If you’re ready to level up your video marketing, Single Grain’s YouTube experts can help!👇

Elevate YouTube Presence

YouTube Marketing Agency FAQs

  • What is a YouTube marketing agency?

    A YouTube agency is a digital marketing firm that specializes in advertising campaigns that help brands stand out on this popular video channel.

    Like a Facebook, Instagram or TikTok marketing agency, your YouTube advertising team will work with you to create comprehensive strategies for the platform to boost your chances of connecting with online audiences and increasing conversions.

    More than just a content creation platform for video lovers, YouTube is also a complex search engine with rules for ranking and displaying content. Figuring out how to master the algorithms on YouTube with the right combination of keywords, video thumbnails and an excellent content schedule can be complex.

  • What do YouTube agencies do?

    The services you get from your YouTube agency will depend on several factors. Some companies will offer end-to-end marketing support, from helping you create customer personas and target the right audience to tracking your video metrics.

    Most of the time, services offered by a YouTube advertising agency will include:

    • Content Creation: Many leading ad agencies can assist you with shooting videos; editing your content for YouTube; and creating accompanying content like animations, end-video cards, thumbnails and more.
    • Video Scheduling: Using analytics and insights into your target audience, your ad agency will ensure that your videos go live at the right time to help increase viewer count. They can also assist you in planning a full content calendar.
    • Promotion: YouTube agencies can sometimes help with cross-promoting your videos across a range of other channels, from your websites to social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
    • Analysis: With the analytics available from YouTube and third-party tools, your agency can give you in-depth information about which videos achieve the most views and engagement so that you can plan future campaigns more effectively.
    • Consultation: With extensive knowledge of YouTube and the advertising landscape, your agency can advise on making the most of your ad campaigns and effectively leveraging YouTube.
  • What is the best channel management company for YouTube?

    Single Grain specializes in social media, inbound marketing and YouTube ads. Our team members are lead generation and conversion rate optimization experts who can build effective campaigns from scratch.

    We work with enterprises such as Uber and Amazon, but also have solutions for small businesses. Our main focus is on generating the most conversions while improving your ROAS.

  • Is YouTube marketing worth it?

    Essentially, your YouTube agency acts as your secret weapon for success, giving you the expertise, content creation tools and support you need to thrive on the second-most visited site in the world.

If you were unable to find the answer you’ve been looking for, do not hesitate to get in touch and ask us directly.
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