As Marketers Fumble Attempts at Allyship, Edelman's LGBTQ+ Taskforce Is Making Money

Between 10 and 15% of task force clients later tapped into other Edelman services

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“Should we make our logo rainbow this year?” was one question clients asked Lauren Gray, an Edelman svp and a leader of its Out Front LGBTQ+ task force, before this June’s Pride celebrations.

Nervous about marketing to the LGBTQ+ community, many marketers sought Out Front’s guidance on how to do it right. Two high-profile marketing catastrophes–one at Bud Light and the other at Target–made brands wary of marketing to the LGBTQ+ community. Bud Light, for its part, incited outrage from fans across the political spectrum–first, when it partnered with transgender content creator Dylan Mulvaney, and then when it subsequently backtracked on that partnership.



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