Dallas Cowboys QB Dak Prescott Takes ‘Sh*t Talk’ to Another Level in Latest ‘Lead From Behind’ PSA

The video is the third in a series from Maximum Effort and The Colorectal Cancer Alliance 

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As NFL fans gear up for Sunday’s hotly anticipated round 2 matchup between the Dallas Cowboys and the Philadelphia Eagles, Cowboys’ QB Dak Prescott has teamed up with Maximum Effort and the Colorectal Cancer Alliance’s “Lead From Behind” initiative to dole out some pregame “Sh*t Talk” meant to motivate lifesaving measures. 

In the 84-second-long video, titled Talking Sh*t with Dak Prescott, the 30-year-old athlete—who is considered at risk for colon cancer after losing his mother to the disease—begins with a sincere, empathetic message to fans who have had some choice words about him in the past. 




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