Uber Eats and PetSmart’s Animal (Open) House a Treat for Pet Owners 

The colorful activation announcing the new partnership also had a shoppable Zillow listing

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For those who believe New York real estate has gone to the dogs, Uber Eats’ latest activation hit home in an adorable way. 

To celebrate the arrival of PetSmart as one of its newest vendor partners, the delivery platform opened “The Best Pet House Ever,” a pop-up that served as part showcase for the treats available to pets of all varieties, and part design inspiration for their home improvement-prone human “pawrents.”

Surrounded by a cartoonishly large white picket fence and decorated with an oversized bird bath, faux garden and PetSmart branded bowl on its exterior lawn, the multi-room Petopia—created by agency Kamp Grizzly—was stationed in Domino Park in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood on September 12.

Uber Eats, PetSmart

The house was outfitted with an “animal communal room,” a gourmet kitchen, a non-working shower area, a lizard room, a cat room and “catio” for felines, and a doggie bed and recreation room.



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