A Charity’s Unusual Christmas Story Imagines if Santa Fought Cancer

Campaign by Gustave Roussy and Publicis Conseil has a hopeful message about curing the disease

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What if Santa Claus once had cancer – but recovered?

The French institute Gustave Roussy, considered one of the world’s best cancer treatment centers, tells this unusual Christmas story in a campaign with a hopeful message about curing the disease. 

Created by agency Publicis Conseil, the ad imagines Santa’s journey if he were diagnosed with cancer. It depicts a more human form of the holiday figure as he discovers his illness, gets treatment at Gustave Roussy and receives support from the medical staff and his daughter.

Though cancer deprives Santa of his trademark attributes, such as his long beard and white hair, he persists in toiling away in his workshop to bring joy to children around the world.



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