“Call Ad Again” — How and Why to Use This Feature

Call Again

Empty ad call responses can negatively affect an online publishing business. Not only do they drive your fill rate down, but by extension, they also impact your ad revenue. Luckily, with TargetVideo’s new Call Ad Again feature, our publishers no longer have to worry about lost revenue due to empty pre-roll slots. Let’s take a closer look at what this feature is, how it works, and why you should use it.

What Is the “Call Ad Again” Feature?

The Call Ad Again feature is a new addition to the TargetVideo video CMS, available to all publishers who use the autoplay mode on their players. Until now, with the “Autoplay if ad is present” option turned on, the player would load an ad and automatically start playing when a user visits the page. If the player receives no valid ad call responses, it will automatically switch to click-to-play.

Now, with the new option, when the user clicks on the player to start the video playback, the player will make another ad call to attempt to serve a pre-roll ad again. The entire Amazon and Prebid bidding process takes place again. This way, you can boost the chances of the visitor seeing an ad and use your ad inventory to the fullest.

How to Activate the Feature in the CMS?

Activating this feature from the CMS is easy and takes only a couple of clicks:

  1. Log into your TargetVideo account and choose a player.
  2. Hover over the “Set Player Behavior” to reveal the “Edit Selected” and “Create New” options. Choose one of the two.
  3. Activate Autoplay, and then activate “If ad is present”.
  4. Upon activation, the “Call ads on click again” option will appear.
  5. Turn on the feature and save changes.
Call Ad Again Feature in the TargetVideo CMS
How to Activate the Call Ad Again Feature

The Benefits of Using the “Call Ad Again” Feature

So why should you as a publisher use this feature? We can think of several reasons:

  • Higher Fill Rates — By placing an additional ad call after the first unsuccessful one for the same slot, you are doubling your chances of serving an ad, resulting in higher ad fill rates overall.
  • Boosts Ad Revenue — By extension, higher fill rates mean higher ad revenue due to more impressions.
  • Unmuted Ads — Unlike autoplay ads, which have to be muted, click-to-play pre-rolls are served with sound on, making them automatically more attention-grabbing.
  • Higher CPMs — Unmuted ads allow publishers to get higher CPMs than they would for their muted counterparts, resulting in higher earnings. Additionally, this introduces the opportunity to serve premium TrueView ads from Google’s ad demand.

Start Monetizing With TargetVideo

The new Call Ad Again feature is just a small part of the long list of tools and solutions available to TargetVideo’s publishers. Together, they all ensure that you get the most out of your video monetization efforts. From quality ad demand to user-friendly video management tools, TargetVideo has everything you need to take your video business to the next level. Join the platform today to start monetizing.

Marta Grgurović

Marta is a content writer with almost a decade of experience writing long-form content on an array of topics, from cartoons to IT. She holds a Master’s degree in English and is currently learning German. When she’s not writing, Marta is likely binging on true crime podcasts, hitting the gym, or starting yet another never-to-be-finished crochet project. She is also a proud mom of two dumpster cats.