How to Pick the Best Ad Formats for Your Website

Best Ad Formats

The characteristics of ads can significantly impact the profitability of a publisher’s inventory. So to choose the best ad formats for their website, publishers need to consider factors such as how the placed ads impact the user experience, whether they fit with the website layout, and align with their monetization goals. This article will cover the basics for choosing the optimal ad formats for a website. 

A General Overview of Ad Formats for Websites

The three most commonly used ad formats for websites are the following:  

  • Display Ads Display ads are usually graphic or banner-style ads placed within the website content, in the sidebar, or the header. They can be static image ads or rich media with interactive elements. Publishers frequently use the banner format, which often appears at the top or on the sides of the web page. Interstitial ads are also a commonly used type but are known to be disruptive to users, as they appear before the user can access the landing page of a website. 
  • Video Ads Video ads are an excellent way to increase user engagement. Publishers can implement video ads within the already-existing video content of their website — instream video ads (before, during, or after the video content), or they can incorporate them into non-video environments such as blogs and articles — outstream video ads
  • Native Ads Native ads seamlessly blend with the design of the website or platform they appear on. These ads are also known as branded ads because they are usually hosted on the target website. 
Most Common Ad Formats
Most Common Ad Formats

Choosing the Best Ad Formats for Your Website

Publishers should select ad formats based on their website design, content, and user base. More precisely, they should pay attention to the following points. 

Consider the Audience

One of the most important aspects to consider when choosing which ad type to place on a website is user behavior. For instance, whether the publisher’s user base predominantly uses mobile devices or desktop devices to view content. Since mobile traffic accounts for more than half of the global web traffic, incorporating mobile ad formats is a great opportunity to generate more revenue. 

In addition, keeping track of how long users view blog posts or watch videos can help publishers with ad placements. If users don’t stay long on blog posts, chances are, they’re not reading the entire text, so placing ads at the bottom of the content would be meaningless. Similarly, if video completion rates are low, incorporating pre-roll ads instead of mid-roll and post-roll is more effective. 

Target Audience

Consider the Content

Publishers should use ad formats that match their website content. If a publisher has a VOD platform, implementing instream video ads should be the primary focus. On the other hand, if a publisher has a blog-type website, employing native ads that seamlessly integrate with the text-based content or using outstream ad units that do not hinder the user’s experience is a great way to monetize a website.

Monetize with outstream ad units for maximum ad viewability.

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Consider the Placement

To decide which formats to display, publishers first need to make sure that their website has available ad space. Certain ad formats, such as display ads, require assigned spots within the website content so as not to be intrusive. Publishers need to plan out ad placement beforehand. If a publisher does not have enough available space for ads within their web page content, elements such as TargetVideo’s in-slide ad unit are a great way to serve more ads on their website. 

Consider the Size

The size depends entirely on the devices users use to access a website and the available ad space on the said website (suitable ad slots). The IAB standard ad sizes are 728×90 (leaderboard), 300×250 (medium rectangle), and 160×600 (skyscraper) for desktop, and 320×50 (mobile leaderboard) for mobile. Additionally, frequently used formats for mobile are interstitial (covers the entire mobile screen) and 300×250 (medium rectangle), compatible with both desktop and mobile devices.  

Device Size
Mobile & Desktop Sizes

Consider the Combination

Looking at the same ad format over and over again on a website can cause ad fatigue. To make ads more engaging, publishers can mix and match different ad formats and find the perfect combination that won’t disrupt the user experience. 

For instance, they can use native ads within the website content and include outstream video ads on the side. This way, they generate more revenue as two or more separate header biddings take place on the same web page.

How to Implement Ads on Your Website

Once they have decided which ad formats to use, publishers need to employ a quality ad network. These platforms act as an intermediary between publishers and advertisers for selling ad inventory. Publishers choose ad networks based on:

  • Targeting  — whether the ad network has several targeting options (e.g., contextual, geographic, etc.); 
  • Analytics — whether the ad network has detailed analytics since they help publishers adjust ads and improve performance; 
  • Ad Format Variety — the ad network has to support the publisher’s chosen ad formats; 
  • Revenue Potential — the potential profit a publisher can gain from the ad network.  

In addition, if they want to feature video ads on their website, publishers also need to find a high-quality video player that supports numerous formats and has advanced monetization options.

Get Started With Website Monetization With TargetVideo

Monetize your website with the help of our Video Revenue & Engagement Platform. Let our experts fully manage your ad stacks with our Managed Ads service, receive Premium Demand from quality partners, and leverage our powerful low-latency HTML5 video player. Website monetization is made easy with TargetVideo’s monetization solution


Need a video monetization solution for your ad-powered business?

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1. What are the different ad formats for your website?

2. How do I put ads on my website?

3. What type of ad is most commonly used?

Mina Andric

Mina Andric is an experienced technical, content, and copywriter in the spheres of digital advertising, marketing, web design, and IT. She has a Master’s Degree in English Language and Literature and has a strong passion for studying Eastern Asian languages. With a classical music education background, she has over fourteen years of experience playing the flute and piano.