How to Monetize a Live Stream With Ads

Monetize a Live Stream

There are many ways to go about monetizing live streams. From the standard pay-per-view monetization model to donations, memberships, and sponsorships, publishers have a range of options to choose from. However, in recent times, ad monetization is dominating the industry. With many publishers interested in incorporating ads into their streams, we decided to share some practices on how to best monetize a live stream with ads. 

Why Should Publishers Monetize Live Streams 

According to statistics, the revenue in the live-streaming industry has significantly increased over the past few years, exceeding US$100m in 2023. In addition, 80% of the surveyed online user base prefers seeing live content over blog content from their favorite brands. It is clear that live streams are gaining in popularity. Publishers should take this chance to incorporate live streams into their strategies and profit from them. Live stream monetization can significantly:

  • Boost Publisher Revenue Video ad monetization is one of the best ways to generate revenue for publishers, so implementing this model into live streams is an excellent opportunity for profit. 
  • Grow Publisher Userbase — Live streams offer a personal touch. They can also easily be distributed through different mediums (platforms, social media, etc.), giving publishers a wider audience reach and helping them build a more devoted user base. 

Broadcast high-quality live streams to viewers worldwide.

Start Streaming

Best Practices for Live Stream Monetization

To maximize revenue from live stream monetization, publishers need to decide which live stream platforms to use to deliver their content, focus on growing their audience and improve the overall quality of their live streams. While this may seem like a strenuous task, there are many practices publishers can apply to make sure that they get the most out of their strategy with minimum effort. 

Adjust Instream Ads Placement 

Instream video ads are usually placed before (pre-roll), during (mid-roll), or a the very end (post-roll) of the live stream. With many quality streaming solutions, such as Bird.TV’s Live Streaming, publishers can place ads wherever they see fit within the live stream. They can do this by setting a specific timestamp (e.g., at 2:05) or interval (e.g., every two minutes). This allows publishers to place ads more naturally to match the context of the content and lowers the risk of viewers losing interest. While the goal is to serve more ads, publishers should also be mindful not to overwhelm their audience with excessive ads. 

Use Accompanying Outstream Ads

Instream video ads can often cause user dissatisfaction due to their disruptive nature. So to lower the number of video ads served within the video and lower the risk of users leaving the stream, publishers should employ accompanying outstream ads on their sites. Since many outstream ad units serve video ads with the sound off, they are more user-friendly. In addition, including ad formats such as display and overlay ads around your stream won’t interrupt the user’s experience but can lead to potential user engagement. 

Outstream Ads
Use Outstream Ads

Adaptive HLS Streaming

Before focusing on ad placement and increasing ad yield, publishers should ensure that their live streams are high quality and flexible. Adaptive HLS streaming delivers video content efficiently by adjusting the quality of the video stream to the viewer’s network conditions. This allows for a smooth viewing experience, and that can lead to longer viewing and potentially more ad impressions.  


To reach as many potential users as possible, publishers should distribute their content through multiple mediums. Many live streaming platforms offer the option of multistreaming, i.e., broadcasting your stream on several platforms simultaneously. For instance, you can stream on YouTube and your Facebook group at once. This allows publishers to expand their audience reach, as they can gain attention from several users on different platforms.   

Stream on Multiple Platforms at Once

Stream From Any Device

There is a time and place for everything., However, sometimes, streaming events must happen on the go. To ensure live stream schedules are always on track, employ streaming services that allow you to stream from any mobile device (iOS, Android).  

Stream From Any Device
Stream From Any Mobile Device

Monetize with TargetVideo’s Versatile Live Streaming Solution

TargetVideo’s premium live-streaming service expands your viewership on multiple platforms, lets you stream from mobile devices, and offers advanced advertising options through TargetVideo’s live stream monetization solution. In addition, with TargetVideo’s header bidding solution, you’ll be able to increase ad performance and boost streaming ROI. Set up, monetize, and track the performance of your live streams with our well-rounded Video Revenue & Engagement Platform. 


Need help monetizing your live streams?

Brid.TV Monetization


1. Can you monetize a live stream?

2. How much can you earn from live streaming?

Mina Andric

Mina Andric is an experienced technical, content, and copywriter in the spheres of digital advertising, marketing, web design, and IT. She has a Master’s Degree in English Language and Literature and has a strong passion for studying Eastern Asian languages. With a classical music education background, she has over fourteen years of experience playing the flute and piano.