Brave Commerce Podcast: PacSun's President and Co-CEO on Consumer Identity, Product Inclusivity and Digital Transformation

Brie Olson and Alfred Chang discuss how they promote inclusivity with their product while still catering to their target audience

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On this week’s episode of Brave Commerce, Brie Olson and Alfred Chang, the President and Co-CEO of PacSun, join hosts Rachel Tipograph and Sarah Hofstetter to discuss consumer identity. Brie and Alfred speak on how PacSun, as a clothing brand, is catering to evolving views on gender and gender neutrality. They explain how they promote inclusivity with their product while still catering to their target audience.

They also discuss using different audience segments as indicators for their business strategy, and how PacSun views the younger generation as pioneers for the industry’s future. Further, they talk about the evolution of social media, including venturing into the metaverse, NFTs, Roblox and how these platforms give consumers more control over their identity and self-expression, which informs commerce.

Stream the new episode below, listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, or find it on Spotify.