Celebrating the Holidays at Aronson Advertising: A 2021 Recap

The holiday season looked much different for everyone over the past couple of years. For health and safety reasons, we’ve had to come up with creative ways to see our friends and family during one of the most anticipated times of the year. Luckily, there was some relief in 2021! Although Aronson Advertising has always focused on keeping spirits high during the holidays, 2021 offered a welcome return to some in-person celebrations and volunteering opportunities, as well as many fun activities we could do from the comfort of our home offices.

Here’s a recap on some of the highlights of the 2021 holiday season at Aronson Advertising!

Desk Decorating Content

Each team was tasked with coming up with a desk decor theme, the winners awarded with an exciting prize. While every team put in their best effort and created some truly unique displays, no one could top the PPC team’s “I’m Dreaming of a Full Car Lot,” complete with a hilarious parody song of “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” sung by none other than PPC assistant manager Charlie! Second place went to the social media team’s “Merry Cagemas” with a return to our ongoing company inside joke and unofficial mascot, Nicolas Cage.

Cardz 4 Kidz

There is much to celebrate during the holidays, but for some families, this time of year can be more taxing due to personal hardships. To help uplift the spirits of hospitalized children in the Chicagoland area, employees participated in the Cardz 4 Kids event, an initiative Aronson Advertising has proudly been involved in for several years. Aronson employees crafted hand-made cards with happy and uplifting messages to help bring a smile to the kids who needed it most this past holiday season.

Bear Necessities Bear Hug Program

This was our first year participating in the Bear Necessities Bear Hug program, and it was undoubtedly a rewarding experience for all involved. Bear Necessities is a non-profit pediatric cancer foundation based in Chicago, and those interested in getting involved can sponsor a “bear hug,” otherwise known as granting a wish to a child with pediatric cancer. This year, we sponsored a little girl whose wish was to have a home spa party with pizza and rolled ice cream for her and two friends. We’re proud to say that we exceeded our goal thanks to the generous donations from Aronson employees.

Feed My Starving Children Volunteering Event

Aronson Advertising has volunteered for Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) — a non-profit that coordinates the packaging and distribution of food in developing nations — for many years, and 2021 was our best turnout yet! Aronson employees who participated in the event spent a few hours at the Schaumburg, IL, facility packaging meals and helping out in other capacities to help meet FMSC’s honorable mission.

Holiday Movie Bracket

A holiday-themed movie bracket was organized by PPC assistant manager Charlie. After surveying employees for their favorite holiday movies, employees voted on movies such as obvious holiday classics like A Charlie Brown Christmas and Elf, and some holiday-adjacent picks like Die Hard and Batman Returns. After a very heated competition, the winner was Home Alone!

Bake & Cook Off

One of our favorite holiday celebrations is the annual bake and cook off, which was unfortunately canceled in 2020. Fortunately, we were able to hold it this year at the office! Employees who participated brought dishes for everyone to enjoy like a Christmas tree cake and many varieties of cookies. This year’s winner was content team member Anne’s famous carrot cake! Second place went to PPC manager Marina’s panna cotta, while third place went to PPC assistant manager Charlie’s eggnog chai cookies.

Annual Holiday Party

Another anticipated event that was called off in 2020 was the annual company party. Thankfully, we were able to hold it this year at a favorite local restaurant, complete with arcade games, bowling, and of course, lots of delicious food and refreshments. Our third-annual awards ceremony was held as well, which honors outstanding achievements by our employees in a variety of different categories.

We hope that your holiday season was just as joyful and memorable as ours was!

For any questions about Aronson Advertising’s services, please feel free to get in touch with us online or by phone at 847-297-1700.

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