The Musings Of An Opinionated Sod [Help Me Grow!]

We Are What We Need Or Dream …


They’re bloody everywhere.

SMS. Email. People knocking on the door.

There seems to be three types …

The hopeful … which is sending the same thing to tons of people and see if it will stick.

The too-good-to-be-true … which is promising untold riches for a fraction of investment.

And the invisible … where it has been so well planned, you may not realise it’s happened until its happened.

While I understand how the latter works – having once been a victim of it – it’s amazing how often the first 2 do.

Part of that can be down to blinkered greed.

The belief we’re all ‘special’ and while friends may think it’s a scam, they stick with it as it reinforces what they’ve aways felt about themselves.

Until it doesn’t.

The other group are people who are desperate – whether financially or lonely – so they take part in a desperate bid to escape their own personal hell.

So while its easy to laugh at people who we think have been stupid, the reality is there are always mitigating circumstances that add to the scammers success.

And nothing shows how successful the crims are by their exaggeration. Look at this …

For just NZ$400, you can get a ‘guaranteed’ NZ$7800 every month.

EVERY MONTH … where do I sign?

But the scammers aren’t completely stupid, so they’ve added a picture of Elon Musk.

Now whether that’s because he’s super rich or is OK with losing billions – as demonstrated with Twitter – is anyone’s guess, but given they’ve bought a ton of ads all over Facebook and other social media channels means they think it makes what is one of the most ridiculous financial investment promises in history, legitimate.

And you know what, it seems it has … which is a great reminder for the marketing community that while customers are often much smarter than we give them credit for, they rarely adopt the logic we like to think/claim they do because ultimately – and here’s the big reminder – they buy for what they’ve need, not what we want them to need.

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