ELLKAY Launches CRMArchive for Customer Relationship Management Data Archiving


Organizations planning to upgrade their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system are seeking a solution to maintain data compliance while reducing legacy application and online storage expenditures. ELLKAY has already established an industry-leading healthcare data archiving platform with modules for EHR, ERP, LIS, and more. Recognizing the need for CRM data archiving, ELLKAY is excited to launch the latest solution leveraging the LKArchive platform, CRMArchive.

ELLKAY recognized the imminent need for CRM data archiving and is pleased to see this launch come to fruition. Health systems ready to decommission their legacy CRM platform are searching for a solution that helps them maintain compliance, reduce legacy application costs, and keep data secure while also delivering customer data for reporting and intelligence. CRMArchive is built on ELLKAY’s industry-leading healthcare data archiving platform which includes modules for EHR, ERP, Financial, LIS, Blood Bank, Operating Room, Document Management, Safety and Feedback, and now CRM. ELLKAY has been prominent in the data strategy for organizations ready to retire legacy ERP software and streamline enterprise applications. LKArchive has a variety of uses, from the ERP Data module that supports human capital and supply chain management across the organization, to the Financial module that delivers a scalable financial data archive for any size healthcare organization while sustaining cash flow.

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Dr. Zafar Chaudry, Senior Vice President – Chief Digital & Information Officer at Seattle Children’s said, “Thanks to a true partnership with ELLKAY, we can share our long-term goals and strategies with ELLKAY who are extremely agile in helping us translate these to innovative solutions and they are visionaries in planning product development for the ever-changing healthcare industry needs. The relationship with ELLKAY leadership is a symbiotic one that brings great value to our organization.”

Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer and CHIME Foundation Board Member, Ajay Kapare said, “Thanks to the guidance of the ELLKAY Advisory Board, ELLKAY quickly appreciated the need to innovate an archive data intelligence solution for our partners who are transitioning to a new customer relationship platform. With our newest solution of CRMArchive, customers can maintain multiple CRMs and mitigate risks knowing that data is backed up.”

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