The Musings Of An Opinionated Sod [Help Me Grow!]

Different Degrees Of Shocking …

I’m back.

And not away for ages. OK, about a week.

But that means we have the next 5 days together, so take a look at this …

That’s pretty full-on isn’t it?

Hell, I’m not religious annnnnnd have an alarming lack of taste, but even I wouldn’t wear that.

But that’s not what is the most shocking to me … it’s the price.



For that piece of crap.

As someone who has bought A LOT of shitty stuff over the years – and I include hundreds of t-shirts in that statement – I can honestly say I would never, ever pay that much for that rubbish. Which begs the question, who do they think will?

Add to that, that the rest of the stores merch seems pretty straight-laced and you’re wondering what the hell they’re thinking.

Though I bet if they had a sign that said, ‘all proceeds go to the local church’, someone would buy it. After all, there’s a shit load of people in America who’ll vote for that racist, lying prick because he ‘claims’ to be a bible-thumping Christian and that is all that matters for them to turn a blind eye to his behaviour.

Which reminds me about one of great horrifying documentaries. This …

I remember watching it when it came out in 2006 and just starring in disbelief … because like Trump, the motivation felt far less about doing good and far more about power and control.

One bit that stood out was when they proclaim Harry Potter is the devil … though it inspired me to be a mischievous shit because we were doing a campaign for South Park and at the end of the online films, I got them to ask one question.


If people clicked ‘no’, it took them to Comedy Central, the distributors of the show – where you could watch episodes.

If people clicked ‘yes’, it took them to a fundamental Christian website who tried to ban Bambi for ‘inappropriate imagery’.

As you can tell, it was another time when that seemed a perfectly acceptable idea.

[Talking of Harry Potter. When the first film came out, I wanted to prove to a client how fan culture can be myopic, obsessive and lacking objectivity. To do this, I went on an online Harry blog – populated with young fans – and wrote, “if Harry is so good at magic, how come he doesn’t use a spell to stop being a 4-eyed geek?”Within hours, my comment had hundreds of the most violent, rude and threatening comments you’ve ever read. Real offensive stuff. could ever imagine. Point proved, hahaha ]

… as it’s Monday and I am basically a Saint, cough cough – I want to give you a present which is the ability to watch the whole movie , which I assure you, will be less wasted time than you reading this post.

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