The Musings Of An Opinionated Sod [Help Me Grow!]

Lost In Colloquialism …
November 28, 2023, 7:30 am
Filed under: Advertising, America, Comment, Education, Relevance, School

We’ve all seen those signs where countries that don’t speak English, try to translate things into English with tragic – and sometimes hilarious – consequences.

Then there’s those signs in English speaking nations, where they’ve chosen words and/or symbols that massively undermine what they’re trying to say or represent.

But recently, on a trip to LA, I saw another angle of error.

Where the choice of words are perfectly acceptable in the home nation, but have a very different meaning somewhere else.

Case in point, the name given to this pre-school …

Morning Glory!!!

They named it ‘Morning bloody Glory’.

Jesus Christ.

Now they obviously have no idea how this is interpreted in England.

And I am sure they are a very good place of education.

And a name that reflects optimism and happiness in a city that is always sunny, makes sense.

But … but …

Morning Glory?!

Next they’ll be saying, “it’s great to be ‘up’ first thing for the day”.

Whatever … I just hope the police patrol that area especially well.

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