The Musings Of An Opinionated Sod [Help Me Grow!]

This Year, I’m Going To Try And Love The Day Of Love …
February 14, 2024, 7:30 am
Filed under: Attitude & Aptitude, Culture, Family, Jill, Love, Valentine's Day

So today is Valentine’s Day.

Also known as the florist industries ‘profit day’.

Now I’ve written a lot about Valentine’s Day over the years and it’s never been that positive. Namely because I think it has far more to do with fear than love. Hell, I even asked Jill to marry me a few days before Valentine’s Day because I didn’t want to be a victim of the marketing.

However I am conscious that my opinion is not everyone’s opinion and frankly, with all the shit going on in the World, Valentine’s Day is at least more positive than a bunch of things going on out there – despite the undertones of fear – so with that, I thought I’d link to 3 posts that I think embody the true meaning of love.

At least to me.

And what is even more scary is I’m not being sarcastic.

So with that, let me introduce you to some love stories that I connect to.

First the beautiful romance of Martin and Mercedes, then the story of Arthur Thomas and how love can last beyond a lifetime. And finally, Dan Aykroyd and his acknowledgement that even when love rips you apart, you can want the other person to be happy and hope they know how you will be forever grateful for what you had and what they made you feel.

Just for the record, I was going to link to a post about my parents and my love for Jill – but the former felt a bit too indulgent and the latter would mean upsetting Jill as she hates being mentioned on here [for obvious reasons] so I just hope she knows she is my bloody everything and I’d be lost without her.

I appreciate this is strangely positive for me, so let’s just double down on it by saying that whatever your situation, I hope today is one filled with good things, even if that’s positive memories of past love.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

Except to the florist and card industry – those money-grabbing, exploitative fucks.

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