The Musings Of An Opinionated Sod [Help Me Grow!]

Even An Apple Can Leave A Bad Taste In Your Mouth …


One of the best brands in the world.

From product to marketing … everything they do is considered, consistent and distinctive.

A brand voice forged over years, with a clear understanding of who they are.

But what’s interesting is what they used to be …

Or this …

Or worse of all, this …

I know they’re from a time where long copy wasn’t viewed with the same distain as a global pandemic but look at them?

And what’s with their obsession with mythical figures?

It’s ugly, it’s cluttered, it’s got no clear point of view and it’s talking around the product not at it.

And then, there’s a point in their advertising evolution that you feel they took a clear step towards where they are today with work like this …

And this …

Still a lot of copy. Arguably more.

But it just feels more contemporary …

From being product benefit focused to the choice of font to the voice … which talks to adults like an adult rather than the disinterested, casual, general audience tone they had used before.

It’s so strikingly different that you feel this was the moment Apple understood who they were and who they were for.

It’s also an obviously deliberate act … because there’s no way you would get here from the – let’s be honest – horrible historical figure focused campaigns they’d run before.

Which leads to the point of this post.

A while back I got to hear the wonderful Nils of Uncommon talk.

One of the things he said that particularly resonated with me was brands who say they need to ‘work up’ to the creativity you think they need.

In essence, it’s just their polite way of saying ‘no’ to the work you want them to do.

But the funny thing is that in the main, there’s no valid reason for them to say that, other than them being fearful of change or commitment.

There’s a lot of that at the moment.

Work in an endless loop … seemingly because the people who have the right to sign off on something are scared that the moment they do, they will be judged.

So what happens is the entire industry are caught in arrested development.

And what do agencies do?

Well, in a bid to get anything made, they agree to anything – justifying it as “being a bit better than what they did before” – so we end up with bland and boring campaigns that, bizarrely, keep everyone happy as the agency got to make something and the client doesn’t have to worry of offending anybody.

Said another way, everybody loses with this strategy.


Which is why Nils challenges brands on what they need to do the work they could do.

It’s a test of their truth and ambition.

And he’s right to do that …

Because brands don’t get to where they want through time, but deliberate acts and choices.

Even then it won’t happen overnight … but continually and consistently playing to where you want to be is far smarter than playing to where you hope to be taken.

Because to paraphrase Dan Wieden said … you don’t become the brand you can be by discovering the power of advertising … you do it when you discover the power of your own voice.

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