The Musings Of An Opinionated Sod [Help Me Grow!]

It’s Political Correctness Gone Troppo …
March 4, 2024, 8:15 am
Filed under: EvilGenius, Government, New Zealand | Tags:

Hello. I’m back.

And yes, I know you think my trip was basically a paid holiday – but I was actually working.

I know you don’t believe it, but that’s your issue not mine … ha.

Talking of issues not of your own making, a mate recently sent me this:

For those of you who don’t know who Chris Luxon is, he’s the NZ Prime Minister.

Without wanting to get into too much politics, he’s the leader of the National [Conservative] party … a ‘businessman’ … and was so desperate for the ‘top job’, he willingly formed an alliance leaders from parties whose views are, let’s say, less open or compassionate than the image the rest of the world has of NZ following Jacinda’s role as PM.

So basically, think Kiwi Boris … with less charisma and, to be fair, less lies.

I think.

I hope.

Now the fact he and his party got into government means many people here didn’t like Jacinda, Chris Hipkins [who replaced her] or Labour as a whole … and while their campaign was designed to raise tensions on issues such as immigration, environment and economy – as it seems is the approach for all National/Conservative/Republican parties around the world – the reality is he and National got elected fair and square.

Which is why this ad – and its real apparently – is both alarming and brilliant.

Alarming, because it is a new level of political aggression that is making more and more countries feel and behave like they’re in open civil war. And brilliant, because it’s a level of devious, underhand, once-you’ve-seen-it-you-can’t-forget-it evil, that you tend not to see from a Liberal/Labour party.

Well, I say that, but I don’t know who actually is behind it … but it’s safe to say it’s unlikely to be anyone associated with Chris Luxon or National.

Now I have no idea if this has been done before nor do I know if there is one also aimed at Labour’s leader, but given there is an old adage that states ‘Democrats want to be right but Republican’s want to win’ … whoever is behind this seems to have decided if you can’t beat them, join them.

Once upon a time, NZ did a tourism campaign called 100% Pure.

It was – and still is – the best tourism campaign of all time.

And while that is long gone, it seems it’s being revived under the new moniker of 100% Hate.

Which, I hope, is not the sort of porn you’ll see if you click on the Luxon link.

Better post tomorrow. Maybe. Hopefully. Unlikely.

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