The Musings Of An Opinionated Sod [Help Me Grow!]

Service With A Raised Eyebrow …

So I recently went back to China.

If that wasn’t wonderful enough, I was put up at the Waldorf Astoria.

If I’m being honest, I still get a thrill at staying in hotels. As a kid, we NEVER stayed in one – in fact the closest was a B&B in York – so every time I step in one, I feel excited.

But this was something else.

Something I didn’t deserve or – if truth be told – felt comfortable with.

It was sooooooooo over-the-top because the Waldorf Astoria x China makes for the most ostentatious experience you could ever imagine.

They were so nice to me, even though I imagine that every time they saw me in my shitty jeans and t-shirt, they wondered how the hell I was there.

But there was something before my trip that showed that even those at the very top of their game, can make mistakes.

It was this …

What the fuck?

Put aside the fact they called me Robert. Put aside the fact they talk about cleaning/disinfectant brands. Put aside the fact that by mentioning they are part of the Hilton group, they immediately diminish the prestige of the Waldorf. But why in gods name would anyone talk about ‘hygiene’ in a top hotel when that is the minimum expectation and now you’re left wondering what the fuck may have happened.

Worse, why would anyone talk about hygiene and use the name of brands you pick up in the Supermarket as examples of their exemplary cleaning practices. Not that I have anything against Lysol or Dettol, but I don’t think of them as the best in industrial cleaning, more like the stuff you use every now and then.

Yes … I appreciate Covid is still recent.

And it is something that originated in China.

And the country is still in its early days of opening up to the World.

But why, oh why would they raise an issue than you would never have considered an issue?

Of course when it came to the actual stay, it was brilliant. The people were amazing. And being back in China was wonderful – because of all the special places I’ve lived, China is the most special to me.

However of all the great memories that trip gave me – including the utterly bizarre experience of being interviewed by Fashion TV [I know, I fucking know!!!] – there’s one that should serve as a very important lesson for anyone who ever feels intimidated to talk/deal with people they perceive as being more successful than them.

Being rich, doesn’t mean you’re clever.

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