Service Objects Announces Integrated Email Validation for Marketo Engage

Email Validation weeds out bogus and fraudulent accounts and ensures effective communication

Service Objects, the leading provider of real-time global data validation solutions, is pleased to announce the availability of DOTS Email Validation, an industry-leading tool for validating and optimizing your email contact data, for Adobe’s marketing automation platform, Marketo Engage.

Service Objects’ Email Validation service easily integrates with Marketo Engage’s landing pages and forms using a simple API interface, and offers an effective strategy for optimizing your marketing efforts. The email validation service is available on Adobe Exchange’s Marketplace and directly through Service Objects.

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“Genuine and accurate email addresses are critical in allowing marketing departments to significantly increase campaign performance, quickly pass high quality leads to sales and improve the overall ROI for Marketo Engage.” – Geoff Grow, CEO, Service Objects

Specific capabilities for Email Validation include performing over 50 checks and verifications, flagging bogus or fraudulent addresses, performing common corrections, and returning a quantitative pass/fail score for the address. It substantially improves deliverability, reducing bounce rates by up to 90%. It can also significantly improve your marketing campaign costs by removing bad records and reducing per-lead charges: one client, for example, recently experienced over $16,000 in quarterly savings by identifying and filtering out bad leads.

“Genuine and accurate email addresses are critical in allowing marketing departments to significantly increase campaign performance, quickly pass high quality leads to sales and improve the overall ROI for Marketo Engage,” said Geoff Grow, CEO of Service Objects. “Our Email Validation service enables our customers to block bogus and low-quality email addresses before they enter the platform, reducing fake and fraudulent accounts that waste time and money.”

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