The Musings Of An Opinionated Sod [Help Me Grow!]

Don’t Blame Insights For Your Lack Of Insight …

I know ‘insights’ aren’t in vogue these days – but I am still a massive believer in them.

Sure, I don’t think there’s ever a ‘one insight fits all’ solution and I appreciate that what many people/companies pass as an insight is anything but … however to dismiss them out of hand seems idiotic, especially when you see what people are using in their place.

Global human truths.

Of course, there are other ways you can understand the issues and viewpoints society has towards issues and categories [which I am also a massive fan of] but the power of insights is that it gives you understanding WHY people do things not just WHAT they do and used correctly, can open up opportunities and possibilities that would otherwise never see the light of day.

I say this because I recently saw something that made me smile for the sheer truth of it …

I mean, for something we all do, it is amazing how we all have a relationship with our own toilet seats. Of course it has a lot to do with it being located in an environment that is ours – one we only share with those we know and/or are related to – but the ‘pull’ of doing our business on our own seat is something many will relate to.

But what I particularly like in that definition is the word ‘trust’.

The idea our bums have to trust ‘the seat’ is fascinating to me …

Raising all manner of issues from hygiene to history to relationships and god knows what else.

That’s not just insightful, it ignites a whole lot of ideas that could work for all manner of brands and products … an insight that elevates how you see what you can be, not just what you do. A way to connect and engage with people rather than just be about them.

Oh, I know what some people would say about this:

“But if this could be used for a range of products, it means it’s not unique to a particular brand … plus it’s hardly positive, so it’s unappealing for use”.

And to them, I’d say they don’t understand creativity … because putting aside the fact this isn’t ‘unappealing’, even if it was it wouldn’t mean the work would be, because insights are there to allow the work to take lateral leaps not be literal expressions of it.

But that’s where we are these days.

Which is why companies want insights that are directly linked to their specific brand/product rather than the audiences and contexts they deal in … even though [1] rarely do they actually exist and [2] if they do, they’re boring or lacking any motivational appeal.

As I’ve said many times, my problem with the industry is we’re more focused on the process than what the process is meant to serve. Obsessed with saying what we want people to think is important than saying what people find important. Obsessed with pleasing our bosses than our audiences.

Which is why one of the most important lessons all agencies and client should embrace is something Mr Martin Weigel said about 10,000 years ago …

“You can be relevant as hell and still be boring as fuck.”

Don’t blame insights. Blame what people think is an insight.

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