Amazon Campaign: Evergreen Advertising Strategies

Evergreen Strategies for Amazon Advertising Campaigns

Evergreen Amazon advertising campaign strategies are numerous, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed by analysis paralysis if you attempt to implement them all. Moreover, you risk wasting both time and money by trying every strategy to see what works best for you.

Rather than indiscriminately trying every possible approach in Amazon advertising campaigns to see what succeeds, why not focus on the evergreen Amazon advertising campaign strategies that are consistently effective? This approach should save you both time and money!

The five evergreen Amazon Advertising campaign strategies we recommend:

In this article, Ad Badger’s Michael Facchin and Noemi Bolojan from ScaleWave explore evergreen Amazon advertising campaign strategies and how you can use them to improve visibility and generate more sales on Amazon.

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    The Protect Amazon Advertising Campaign Strategy

    When starting on Amazon, your brand recognition will be relatively low. A common mistake most sellers make is thinking their brand name will remain that way for long. But, as your business gains traction, other sellers will start targeting your brand name in their campaigns to hijack your traffic.

    The Evergreen Protect Amazon Advertising campaign strategy helps you protect your brand and box out the competition from bidding on your keywords and showing up on your Amazon product page.

    Campaign strategy: The Protect Amazon Advertising Campaign Strategy

    The Importance of Continuous Brand Protection

    Protecting your brand name isn’t generally expensive in terms of CPC, but it depends on your brand recognition, competition, and branded keywords rank. You’ll be targeting your own ASINS, branded keywords, and brand name. Consequently, if you have low brand recognition, there will be low competition for your keywords, and thus, the CPC cost won’t be high.

    For example, if you’re Nike and want to protect your brand, you’d bid on the term “Nike.” Ideally, you’d want to have this term in exact match, broad match, and phrase match campaigns, each implemented in separate campaigns for optimal effectiveness.

    Another thing worth noting is that the Evergreen Protect campaign strategy should always be in place. Some people may think this is overkill and a waste of money, but we disagree.

    “The Protect campaign strategy is an insurance policy, and you don’t need insurance once you crash the car. You need it beforehand.”

    You can’t start defending a castle when the enemy has already stormed it. You want to protect it so that the enemy doesn’t even get close to it in the first place. Similarly, this evergreen strategy should also be applied to your Protect campaigns. Start defending your brand name early before other sellers try to grab a piece of your brand name pie.

    The Conquer Amazon Advertising Campaign Strategy

    Amazon is akin to a battlefield for sellers, where your primary goal is conquest. In this context, the Conquer campaign strategy acts as your tactical plan, giving you an advantage over your competitors. This works because you target your competitor’s ASINs and listings so your product appears on their product pages.

    Campaign strategy: The Conquer Amazon Advertising Campaign Strategy

    For example, if you’re Nike, you’d target competitors like Puma and Adidas, so your product shows up when shoppers search for their products or view their product pages.

    The Conquer campaign strategy helps you identify new profitable keywords and products that generate sales at a relatively low ACOS. It also paints a vivid picture of the importance of the Protect campaign strategy. If you’re not protecting your brand, someone will take your customers from you.

    The Rank Amazon Advertising Campaign Strategy

    Ranking campaigns help you take charge of your exact match keywords to get more organic visibility on the first page of Amazon search results.

    Here, you’ll be targeting keywords that resonate with your product, whether broad or exact, with the CPC cost ranging from low to high based on the keywords you’re targeting. As a rule, the broader the match, the higher the search volume, and consequently, the higher the CPC cost, and vice versa.

    Campaign strategy: The Rank Amazon Advertising Campaign Strategy

    For example, if you’re selling black running shoes, “running shoes” is a broad match keyword and will probably have a higher CPC cost than “black running shoes for women,” which is more specific.

    The Dominate Amazon Advertising Campaign Strategy

    The Dominate and Rank campaign strategies may seem similar, but, they’re not. Similar to the Ranking approach, the Dominate strategy aims to take charge of the exact match keywords to increase organic visibility.

    The difference is a Ranking strategy is more of a short-term strategy to get more eyeballs on your products and brand. On the other hand, the Dominate campaign strategy is a long-term game to gain complete dominance for a single keyword, no matter the cost.

    Campaign strategy: The Dominate Amazon Advertising Campaign Strategy

    Key Metrics for Ranking Campaigns

    For a Ranking campaign, the metrics are the ad spend, ACOS, and the number of orders you get from the campaign. 

    For a Dominating campaign, you’re bidding for a position. Your goal is to become position one for a particular keyword, regardless of ad spend and the ACOS.

    Rank and Dominate Amazon advertising campaign strategies go hand-in-hand. For Ranking, you’ll target long-tail keywords, while for Dominate campaigns, you’ll go for a more specific keyword.

    The Discover Amazon Advertising Campaign Strategy

    An Evergreen Discover campaign strategy can be likened to a mining operation for keywords. Specifically, this approach helps you uncover keywords that customers use to find your products on Amazon search.  Specifically, it helps you uncover keywords that customers use to find your products on Amazon search.

    Imagine you’ve initiated an auto-match, broad match, or phrase-match Amazon advertising campaign. Consequently, at the end of the month, you’ll pull a search term report and migrate all the successful terms into an exact match campaign. hese initial campaigns, essential in identifying these converting keywords, are what we refer to as Evergreen Discovery campaigns.

    Campaign strategy: The Discover Amazon Advertising Campaign Strategy

    The idea is to cast a wide targeting net where you bid on many keywords, then take the newly discovered profitable keywords and add them to your other campaigns.

    In terms of CPC, Discovery campaigns are inexpensive. But they don’t offer precise targeting, so they should be used together with the Rank campaign strategy.

    Which Evergreen Amazon Advertising Campaign Strategy Will You Implement First?

    These evergreen Amazon advertising campaign strategies can be the saving grace for people struggling with Amazon advertising, and at the same time, they can act as the rocket fuel that boosts results for people already achieving decent outcomes with their advertising efforts.

    Begin implementing these evergreen strategies today, and importantly, remember to combine them to maximize and compound your Amazon advertising results.

    Bernard Gatheru for Ad Badger

    Bernard Gatheru

    Contributing Writer

    B2B eCommerce content writer. Amazon listing expert. Likes hiking up hills and sweating at the gym.

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