Aurora Mobile Wins 2022 Excellent Digital Service Provider in China’s SaaS Industry

Aurora Mobile Limited, a leading provider of customer engagement and marketing technology services in China, announced that it was recently recognized as the Excellent Digital Service Provider in China’s SaaS Industry in the 2022 Sixth China Software and Information Service Industry Annual Billboard (the “Annual Billboard”). At the same time, the Company’s overseas messaging service platform EngageLab was inducted into the “2022 China Digital Transformation Excellent Solution Collection”.

The Annual Billboard was successfully launched by the Information Observation Network, aiming to recognize exemplary companies in the software and information service industry that have been actively innovating and creating value, to showcase the important technological achievements and trends, to promote innovative applications by building a government-enterprise platform to empower digital transformation.

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Based on the principles of “fairness, impartiality, openness and transparency”, the 2022 Annual Billboard aims to recognize outstanding products, services, solutions, enterprises and influential people across a variety of new and innovative technologies including 5G application, big data, information security, and blockchain. Since the event was launched, it has attracted extensive attention and influence across the industry. The organizing committee received applications from more than 600 enterprises. After several rounds of evaluation in nearly 4 months, Aurora Mobile was recognized as the 2022 Excellent Digital Service Provider in China’s SaaS Industry, and EngageLab was inducted into the “2022 China Digital Transformation Excellent Solution Collection”.

EngageLab is committed to offering omnichannel messaging solutions to global enterprises, helping enterprises implement refined and accurate user reach and engagement with low cost, high message delivery rates and conversion rates. EngageLab provides five major services including AppPush, WebPush, Email Service, SMS Service and WhatsApp Business API, and is exploring additional messaging channels in overseas markets. Based on the Company’s mature product and service experience in China, Aurora Mobile has carried out a global upgrade of the EngageLab, making it more suitable for the business scenarios of overseas local developers and Chinese enterprises that are expanding overseas markets.

In 2023, as a leading provider of customer engagement and marketing technology services in China, Aurora Mobile will maintain its commitment and continue to launch more innovative products and services for enterprises, helping them carry out multi-channel customer reach and engagement and empowering their digital transformation with AI and big data-driven marketing technologies.

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