Suzy Introduces Remote Focus Groups

Researchers and Marketers Now Can Run Qualitative and Quantitative Research in One Connected Platform

Suzy, integrates quantitative and qualitative research tools, along with a high-quality, proprietary audience network in one connected research cloud. With the addition of Focus Groups, researchers and marketers now have a powerful range of tools for discovering qualitative insights.

Suzy Live Focus Groups allows researchers to conduct remote interviews with consumers and leverage the group setting to explore concepts, build empathy, and gain a range of critical qualitative insights. The addition of Focus Groups rounds out the Suzy Live offering, which currently offers In-Depth Interviews (IDIs) for one-on-one discussions as well as In-Home Usage Testing (IHUTS) to conduct product testing. Suzy Live allows users to easily combine quantitative and qualitative research methodologies in a closed insights loop that allows researchers to test, learn, iterate, and repeat.

With Suzy Live Focus Groups, brands can:

  • Set up a project in as little as 72 hours.
  • Tap into Suzy’s proprietary audience of screened and verified consumers.
  • Conduct focus groups remotely, saving time and money.
  • Create a feedback loop with audience retargeting and interview the same participants over and over.
  • Manage the entire focus group with unique platform features like a waiting room, floater capabilities, and quant integration.

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“Traditional focus groups are expensive and time-consuming while today digital focus group solutions are logistically challenging. With our new Focus Groups offering, clients can now get done in minutes what used to take weeks,” said Avi Savar, President of Suzy. “Suzy Live handles the audience recruiting, scheduling, moderating, transcription and more. Allowing our customers the ability to gain qualitative insights faster and more cost-effectively than any other solution on the market.”

Suzy continues to disrupt and reinvent the market research industry. In addition to Suzy Live Focus Groups, the platform is full of new and innovative features, Dynamic Segmentation, which brings efficiency to traditional segmentation studies using advanced machine learning. Suzy also recently introduced a new industry MRX advisory board composed of executives from distinguished brands to guide the company’s continued growth. Supported by the advice and knowledge of the experts and leaders who make up the new board, Suzy will double down on broadening its ever-growing share of the market research space and reaching new markets and industry verticals.

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